A downloadable game

Kindergarteners aren't known for their responsibility.... 

You are G. Louie, the class pet frog, or at least you were. After a series of unfortunate events, you, the beloved class pet, passed away.... and got stuck in the middle of something you couldn't even imagine. 

Turns out, this kindergarten has gone through a LOT of class pets. Seriously. Each time a pet passes away, it's spirit lingers in the classroom, usually finding a new host among the arts and crafts projects or toys. Everything was peaceful for a while, but it's getting pretty crowded...

Enter Sovereign Solvent. Once the classroom's treasured goldfish, now the self-proclaimed leader of the ghostly resistance. He sends missives out to all the ghosts, calling for an uprising against the reckless kindergarteners. He's recruited an army, but you're not interested in anything like that. As dangerous as they were, you had a soft spot for the kids, and you decide to protect them.

Moving over to possess a giant mech toy that was lying around, you accidentally miss your target and end up possessing a puddle of glue haphazardly left on the floor. You decide to make the best of this sticky situation, and set off to stop the restless spirits. 

As a blob of glue, you can stretch around and stick things to you. Grab defeated enemies and attach them to your body to utilize their attacks or movement capabilities, opening your platforming potential exponentially. 


Gloo!.zip 28 MB

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